Friday, 21 December 2007

Dress Down Day

Well done to everyone who donated today for dress down day. The grand total is £377.21
The break down is as follows:

  • Tay £118.05
  • Dee £100.51
  • Clyde £87.25
  • Forth £71.40

Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2008.

Thursday, 20 December 2007


All S5 pupils were trained in basic first aid on Tuesday. They should all now know what to do if they find someone unconscious and how to place that person in the recovery position. I was hugely impressed at our pupils' enthusiasm and willingness to be involved. Well done to Mr Hutchison and Ms Meighan for leading the training sessions.

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

SQA past papers

Please be aware that the SQA website has past papers to download for many subjects.

The web address is

J Ingram

Friday, 14 December 2007

Law Society Debate

Congratulations to Seung Kim and Helen Traill

They both have won through to the next round of the Law Society Debate. This round was held on 13th December 2007 at St. Thomas of Aquin’s H.S.

Best question of the night was won by Jessica Finlayson.

Thursday, 13 December 2007

Liberton High School Bulletin (Bulletin No. 5: December2007)

It’s amazing that Christmas is just weeks away – where has the year gone?! As this term draws to a close we are busy preparing for the end of term festivities. This includes our annual Carol Concert, Ceildh for S1, staff/pupil Pantomime and preparations for prelim exams which begin in mid-January. I would encourage all of our S4, 5 and 6 pupils to use some of the holiday to prepare for their exams. Of course, they need to get a balance right. Christmas and New Year ought to give plenty of opportunity for families to spend quality time together and to think about what we want to achieve in the New Year. To that end I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a very successful New Year.

Malbet Estate. A proposal has been received from residents in the Malbet Estate that the gate should be closed at lunchtimes. Neighbours on the estate feel that litter and noise from our pupils at lunchtimes has created sufficient nuisance to merit this action. I would like the views of parents and pupils on whether the gate should be closed at lunchtimes. Responses to me please by 14 January 2008.

Dress Code. Friday 21 December will be a dress down day for charity day for all pupils and staff. This is sure to be fun and it is fitting that we use most of the money raised to help those who are less privileged than ourselves.

Staffing update. Dr Rice will be joining us in the Chemistry Department in the New Year.

A Lunchtime concert was held on 4 December. Over £130 was raised for Streetwork, a local charitable organisation.

A Sexual Health and Relationships Education (SHARE) parents’ information evening was held on Thursday 22 November. We were delighted to welcome representatives from the Health Opportunities Team to support this event and provide information to parents and carers of S1-4 pupils. The evening was enjoyed by all who attended and the school is currently looking into providing further supports of a similar nature to parents, including the possibility of setting up an internet forum on the school website to specifically allow parents to support each other and to talk about their child’s sexual health. For more feedback about the evening or the SHARE programme, please contact Miss Meighan in the Guidance Department.

Congratulations to Natasha Jacobs who has been selected for the U16 Scotland Hockey squad…an amazing achievement! We now have two girls from Liberton in this squad!

The second round of Heartstart training was carried out on Friday 30 November. We now have 17 members of staff trained in emergency life support and of these; nine are now able to deliver the necessary skills to pupils. All of S5 will be trained in Heartstart through SE classes before Christmas and we hope to offer further opportunities to pupils during Activities Week 2008.

Italy Trip 2008. Well done to the parents and pupils of our members who recently raised over £1,700 running a Race Night and a bag packing session at Morrison’s on Gilmerton Road.

Enterprise week. S2 pupils in Art produced pictures for the S3 Business Management pupils to make into colour calendars. These are now available from the school office at a cost of £3.50.

The pupils at Liberton were involved in a range of activities from recycling, working in the school garden, looking at how to reduce their carbon footprint, calendar making and Christmas card competitions.

The Health Promoting Schools Working Group has now completed the process for achieving Stage 1 status and we are awaiting confirmation to be registered as a school. Stage 2 will begin in the New Year and more information will be provided then on how we will continue our journey to becoming a Health Promoting School.

PE Stars of the Month. Well done to Jenny Hastie in 1T and Connor Spears in 2FB for being this month’s PE stars! They have both shown a fantastic enthusiasm for the subject and have performed well in both Badminton and Gymnastics.

Plastic bottle recycling is on-going - all pupils should be encouraged to bring their bottles to Lab 9 in Science.

The Attendance Working Group at Liberton is looking for parent members to help evaluate current procedures and develop future policy in the areas of daily attendance and period absence. This will involve a meeting once or twice a month from January to May. Anyone interested should contact Ian Stewart,

PT Guidance, on 664 7514, to discuss what would be involved.

LHSA update

  • A Car Boot Sale was held on Sunday 9 September which was a great success and well attended. We raised £290. Thank you to everyone who made this possible.
  • 100 Club – Please join our 100 Club. Fill in an application form from the Liberton Link or send your name and address to the school addressed to the 100 Club and we will send one out to you. Alternatively, pick one up from ourselves at one of the parents’ nights. All the money raised goes towards funds for the school. It is only £1 a month and the prizes are £20, £9 and £5 every month. We have just given the school rugby team £180 to buy their rugby strips.

One of the roles of the Parent Council is to represent the views of parents. The Children and Families Department are currently consulting on the draft Parental Involvement Strategy for the whole city and the draft school session dates for 2009/10. Both of the documents are available on the parent council section of the school website www. Alternatively, a paper version can be obtained from the school office. We would like to know what you think so that we can send a response that represents the views of all parents in the school You can either send a note to us with your views/comments or e-mail them to

Over the course of three days in November, the whole of the S3 and S4 participated in workshops covering topics such as motivation, teamwork, study skills, and striving for success. The workshops were lively, interactive and some of the materials produced by the pupils were very entertaining! The feedback from the pupils was very positive and we hope they will use what they learned both in and outside school.

Our Scottish Champion Ryan Kinnear has finally achieved his Black belt in Judo. Please feel free to congratulate him when you see him. Message from Mr Porter to staff on hearing the news: “If there are any problems with Ryan please refer him to someone else!!’’

Congratulations to Ellie Richardson 2D and Alex Keddie 1DA who both came 3rd in the Gracemount Ibex Club championships on Sunday. This is a great achievement for both girls as the standard at this club is particularly high. Feel free to say well done if you see them.

Dates for the Diary

Thursday 13 December S2 parents/teachers consultation night (5-7 pm)

Monday 17 December Carol Concert (tickets will be available from school office)

Friday 21 December Term ends at 12.30 (charity dress down day for staff and pupils)

Monday 7 January All resume

Monday 14 January Standard Grade prelims begin

Wednesday 16 January S2, S4 and S5 Information evening for parents (letter to be sent to parents)

Monday 21 January Higher Still prelims begin

Mon 11 Feb – 15 Feb incl. February Holiday week

Monday 18 Feb Holiday for pupils; in-service for staff.

Please share any news with me that you would like me to publicise or let me know if there is anything in particular that you would like to see included in future editions of this bulletin. Many thanks.

Donald J Macdonald (Headteacher)

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Candy Canes


Saturday, 8 December 2007

Farewell to Porter!

Friday was Iain Porters last day at Liberton High. It goes without saying that headteachers don't like losing their best staff and Porter certainly comes into that category. He leaves with our very best wishes for his new post at Firrhill High School. Thanks to Iain for the various gifts to staff. Iain is on the electoral roll so there is no need to worry about illegal donations to Liberton High.

Friday, 30 November 2007

Health promotion

Liberton High has today gained 'Heartstart Status'. This means that we are now an accredited centre, able to extend training in emergency life support techniques across the school through the use of peer teaching techniques. Well done to the 9 members of staff who, today, gained their Instructor qualifications. A further 8 staff have already undertaken stage 1 training.

We now intend to train all of our S5 students before Christmas and to subsequently use them to extend the training throughout the schol and beyond.

Many thanks to Rachel Meighan (PT Guidance) and Bryan Finlay (Heartstart) for developing this programme. Please click here for more details about the 'Heartstart' initiative.

Current Consultations

The Children and Families Department is currently seeking the views of parents on the draft Parental Involvement Strategy and the school session dates 2009/10. Both of these documents can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.

Consultation on Parental Involvement Strategy – please note the consultation period on this has now been extended and is not as stated in the document

Draft School session dates 2009/10

Please send any views or comments by 11 January 2008. You can do this by sending a note to the school or e-mailing us at

*Change of date* - The 29 January 2008 meeting has been postponed until
5 February 2008.

Karen Trail (Chair , Liberton High School Parent Council)

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Black Belt

Our Scottish Champion Ryan Kinnear has finally achieved his Black belt in Judo.

Mr Porter

Friday, 23 November 2007

Standard Grade Physics Homework

All of the homework for standard grade physics is now available on the physics resources pages of the school website. Click here

Parents can help with homework by encouraging pupils to complete homework and by providing a quiet time for homework.

If you would like more information about how to help with Physics homework then contact Mr Crawford at the school

The first page of each of the homework packs contains the following useful information for parents and pupils.

To The Pupil

Each day you have physics at school, you should set aside time for work at home. By this stage you should be accepting more responsibility for your own learning and should undertake the following tasks on a regular basis:

· Tackle the supplied homework sheets as each section of work is completed in class.

· Check your own progress in the homework sheets by referring to the homework answer files available in class. Discuss any difficulties that arise with your class teacher.

· Complete any formal homework tasks that your teacher may issue from time to time and hand them in on the due date for marking.

· Revise the work you have covered in class activities by referring to your classwork jotters.

· Complete the supplied summary notes as the coursework allows you to, then use the summary notes to help you in your revision of the course content.

· Make your own short notes to cover each learning outcome in the supplied study guides.

To The Parent

Your co-operation would be appreciated in ensuring that pupils are encouraged to complete homework. It would be helpful if you could talk over the work given for homework and sign the homework record sheet on this page after they have completed each exercise.

The physics department hopes that this record of your child's achievement will be of interest to you, and we would welcome any comments on this or other areas related to the work of the department.

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

S1 Parents' Evening

Thank you to all parents who supported their child by attending the parents' evening tonight. The positive comments were much appreciated - I will ensure that these are relayed to staff.

Donald j Macdonald (Headteacher)

Friday 16 November 2007

Friday 16 November is a normal dress day for all pupils. The next dress down day will be on Friday 21 December 2007. The support and cooperation of all is much appreciated.

Donald J Macdonald (Headteacher)

Liberton High School Bulletin (Bulletin No. 4: 9 November 2007)

Now that we are into November and the weather is getting colder I would ask parents to ensure that pupils have a suitable winter coat. You would be surprised at how many pupils claim that they have to go home to change after being caught in a shower on their way to school! Needless to say, we will not send pupils home to change unless they are absolutely drenched and we have contacted parents to ensure there is someone at home.

Parent Questionnaire The On Board Rewards Group has produced a short questionnaire to seek parents’ views on the system. This can be found on the school website To obtain the necessary password, please telephone the school office on 0131 664 7514.
We would very much appreciate you taking the time to complete this to help with our planning for the future.

Dress Code We are a bit concerned by the small number of pupils, mainly in S3 and S4 whose washing machines appear to break down on a Thursday evening. Parents should note that Fridays, like any other day, are normal dress code days. If there is a genuine difficulty with your child wearing dress code on a particular day then please be sure to provide him/her with a note.

X’ Factor Thursday 11 October saw Liberton High School hold its annual X Factor Competition. Ross Hunter claimed the Best Instrumental award while Mark Milligan of S1 won over the crowd with Toploaders ‘Dancing in the Moonlight’ to take the Best Vocal performance award. The Best Dance award went to Dancetastic; this group was made up of 3 S2 pupils Caitlin Welsh, Andrea Munro and Alexandra Chalmers. The band ‘Minority’ featuring Liam Allison, Michael Selkirk, Ross Hunter and Callum Munro claimed the Best Band award. As an extra bonus, and thanks to one of our judges Mrs Cathie Rae of the Sound Café recording studio, the boys have been given the chance to record their own song in the studio. This years X Factor Champion was also last years joint winner. Jack Robertson of S2 once again put on a fantastic performance to claim the title of X Factor Champion 2007.

Staffing update Welcome back to Mrs Lee who has rejoined us after illness. Mrs Reid (Learning Support) will be off for a few more weeks. Mr Porter (Guidance) will be leaving us to take up a more senior position in Firrhill High School in December. Mrs Coburn has been appointed as Principal Teacher of PE. We will be interviewing for the vacant Teacher of Chemistry position in a few days time.

Christmas stocking fillers Here are a few ideas for stocking fillers for our pupils at LHS: New fully stocked pencil case; A Liberton High School Fleece with logo (available through our school office); Past papers for various subjects (Available from good bookshops)

Samba 10 pupils from S2 and S3 have recently been working with an instructor from the Edinburgh Samba School. They led the Lantern procession on Sunday 4th November as part of the Wee Autumn Festival.

Homework and assessments Parents are requested to check regularly with pupils as to when homework and tests are due. Your encouragement really does make a difference. As a minimum homework, all pupils are expected to be checking over their notes each evening. Anything that is not clear should be raised with the class teacher at the earliest opportunity.

The Liberton High School Careers’ Convention scheduled for 8 November has had to be postponed until the Spring. Details will follow later.

University We really appreciate the tremendous support we get from the University of Edinburgh in providing a range of activities to stimulate our most able pupils. Of course we expect all our pupils to aspire to obtaining University Entrance qualifications. Currently, around 1 in 5 of our S1 intake goes to University. Why can’t we all aim to increase that number over the coming years?

Higher Geography Conference Well done to all the pupils who attended and participated so well in the Higher Geography conference on Friday 26 October.

Media studies excursion In order to enrich their studies, a group of senior pupils from Ms Mackinnon’s class attended National Schools Film Week screenings of ‘A Guide to Recognising Your Saints’ on Wednesday 30 October.

House Captains Congratulations to the following who have been elected as House Captains for this session:
Clyde – Jessica Finlayson and Lindsey Louden
Dee – David Laidlaw and Laura Rae
Forth – Jennifer Fawkes and Heather Lennie
Tay – Rachel Docherty and Sean Young

African Lunch Mrs Imlach’s S5/6 Int 2 Hospitality class will make an African lunch for staff on Tuesday 13 November. Proceeds will go to supporting our sponsored child (Seidu) from Ghana.

Sponsored Fast 2007 Congratulations to all 40 staff and pupils who took part in the Sponsored Fast on Thursday 8 November. All the money raised goes to charity.

Swimming Well done to Andrea Sheen who continues to make excellent progress in swimming. We wish her success if she qualifies for the finals on 22 November.

Diving Four of our first year girls were entered into the White Rose Diving competition in Leeds over the October holidays and did amazingly well. All the places are out of 26:
Daisy Forbes (1T) placed 20th
Rebecca Stevenson (1C) placed 17th
Taylor Ross (1DA) placed 18th
Rebecca Graham (1C) placed 3rd!!!! (Rebecca is in the Scotland squad for her age group)

Darts Star Well done to Jamie Clayton (S5) who is making a name for himself as a darts player. We wish Jamie all the best as he is shortly to begin work experience with a local employer. Did you know that playing darts is a great way of developing mental arithmetic? Another idea for a Christmas present!

Dates for the Diary
Tuesday 13 November S1 parents/teachers consultation night
Thursday 15 November Race night in aid of Liberton Ski Trip (Tickets from School office)
Thursday 22 November Parents’ information evening – sexual health
Monday 26 November S4 work experience begins
Tuesday 27 November Parent council meeting. 7 Pm in staffroom.
Friday 7 December S2 reports to parents
Thursday 13 December S2 parents/teachers consultation night (5- 7 pm)
Monday 17 December Carol Concert (Tickets will be available from school office)
Friday 21 December Term ends at 12.30. (Charity dress down day for staff and pupils)

And finally ... The Health Promoting Schools working group are well on their way to achieving stage one of health promotion status. The group need to identify 4 tasks that will contribute to taking Liberton forward on its journey to becoming a Health Promoting School. So far, we have surveyed students, parents and staff views to come up with the 4 tasks and are in the process of identifying these tasks and carrying them out. This is an exciting time for Liberton and already some very impressive health related projects are going on in school. For example, the ‘On Board’ system. This system promotes a very positive ethos in the school and encourages the well-being of our students. We will keep you updated in December with more details. By this time we should have achieved stage one.

Please share any news with me that you would like me to publicise or let me know if there is anything in particular that you would like to see included in future editions of this bulletin.
Donald J Macdonald (Headteacher)

Gymnastics competition

Congratulations to Ellie Richardson 2D and Alex Keddie 1DA who both came 3rd in the Gracemount Ibex Club championships on Sunday. This is a great achievement for both girls as the standard at this club is particularly high.

Mrs Coburn

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Parents Questionnaire

A short questionnaire for parents about the On Board system is on the school website in the Parent Zone. Could you ask your parents to have a look at it and fill it in? It will only take a few minutes. They can obtain the password by phoning the school office. We would be grateful for feedback from parents, so please encourage them to complete it.

Mrs Ingram

Thursday, 30 August 2007

Flying visit to Liberton High School

Wed 19 September is the date for the visit of an astronaut / cosmonaut (or ‘flier’ as they’re affectionately known)

Ask a science teacher for details.

Monday, 27 August 2007

Cross Sports/ Cross Arts

Cross Sports / Cross Arts are organised by the chaplaincy team in Liberton High. A successful summer programme ran in July and we are widening our term time programme.

Lunch Cross Sports S1/2


Drama club
School of Rock

Cross Sports S3/4

Red Tops (developing junior leaders who are serious about sport, serious about helping others and serious about God)

After school
Cross Arts: Create (drama)
Cross Arts: Noise (bands, PA and technical)

Friday night
Cross Sports club
7.00 to 9.30

For more information about Cross Sports contact Paul Beautyman 664 7538
For more information about Cross Arts contact Christina Enever on 077 248 14117

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Activities Week: School of Rock

Visit the School of Rock Myspace site at for videos of the action. It will be updated with more video action as soon as Mr C can get his act together and upload all of the videos, a very slow process for a very 'Old Git'.

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Activities week: Dance

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Activities week : Bowling

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Activities week; Loop til you puke

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Activities week : This is Scrap

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Friday, 29 June 2007

School of Rock

School of Rock was a great success again this year. The teachers band, The Old Gits, had a combined age of more than 240 years. They still had fun.

Friday, 22 June 2007

100 Club winners

The winners of this years 100 club drws can be found here

If you would like to join the 100 club fill in this form

To find out more about the 100 club click here

Phoenix Programme at Liberton Fire Station

A number of our students volunteer for the Phoenix Programme at Liberton Fire Station each week, in the evenings. The group (a mix of LHS and Gracemount pupils) put on a practical demonstration last night and I thought it was worth mentioning that they were fantastic – confident, polite and incredibly well disciplined as they carried out their drills. They put out fires, climbed ladders into smoke filled towers and demonstrated life saving skills. It is my understanding that in advance of the night, Melanie Mason (the only girl in last night’s group) had also made a local radio broadcast to advertise the evening. Their parade drill also made a lasting impression.

Pupils involved
Evan Gray
Matthew Barron
Jack Hunter
Sean Faughnan
Melanie Mason
Ross Farquhar
Daniel Martin

Rachel Meighan
PT Guidance

Friday, 15 June 2007


Liberton High School was represented by four S2 students, Lauren Bell, Emma McNaughton, Fraser Murray and Thomas Walker, in the Festival of Chemistry at Heriot-Watt University on Wednesday 13 June. This was one of 52 national events, supported by the Royal Society of Chemistry, promoting chemistry for young people. 19 Schools from Edinburgh and surrounding environs took part in the event – our students showed themselves to be confident and talented students who worked as a great team.
The budding scientists participated in 2 laboratory based activities during the day; the “ Salters’ Challenge”, was a forensic “crime scene” investigation which attempted to identify the perpetrators of a serious incident and the “ University Challenge”, involved a chemical reaction which decreased the temperature of the mixture – proving that Chemistry is pretty cool!

Thursday, 14 June 2007

Sports Day

We all had a great sports day on Monday. The sun was shining everyone enjoyed themselves. Even the teachers had a race.

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Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Sports Day Results

Whole School House Prize – DEE (141 points!!!)

2nd – FORTH (129 points)

3rd – TAY (114 points)

4th – CLYDE (46 points)

S2 class prize 2D

Learning For Life Competition

The regional finals award ceremony of the Learning for Life Competition was last night and Craig McPhail was awarded his prize of a Caithness glass Paperweight and £60 cash! Having seen the other entries I think Craig has done really well by winning especially since there were 65 schools in the competition and 10,000 posters!

Miss Arnold
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Thursday, 7 June 2007

Astronaut Visit

On Wed September the 19th we will be playing host to a NASA astronaut. Pupils will be able to hear first hand experiences of visiting space and will be able to ask the questions they have always wanted to know the answers to.

G Crawford
PT Science

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Liberton High School Bulletin

To all parents, pupils and staff
In an attempt to keep parents, pupils and staff more up to date with what is happening at Liberton High School we will, from now on, be producing a monthly bulletin which we will distribute in the first week of each month. This bulletin is in addition to the Liberton Link magazine that is produced four times each year. We have decided to produce this monthly bulletin following feedback from parents on how we could improve our communication with you.

Inspectors return visit
In the second week of May the Inspectors (HMIe) revisited us to check on progress during the past year. I am delighted to report that we were able to demonstrate good progress across all the areas they identified as action points for us in May 2006. A copy of the progress report should be ready by the end of June and will be posted to all our parents as soon as we receive it.

Liberton Link
The next Liberton Link will be sent to parents in early July.

SQA exams 2007
The exams have run particularly smoothly this year. The invigilators who helped supervise the exams commented extremely favourably on the arrangements and, in particular, on the exemplary conduct of all our students. The results should be received by all candidates on
7 August 2007. Those candidates who opted to access results on the Internet will be able to access their results on 6 August. This year we had pupils in S2 and S3 sitting national examinations in Maths, Computing and Art.

Sports day
Our sports day is scheduled to take place on Monday 11 June. Should the weather be unsuitable the sports will be postponed until later in the week. We would be delighted if parents could come along in the afternoon to support all our youngsters on what is sure to be a keenly fought contest among the four houses. Drinks and snacks will be available from the school dining room throughout the afternoon for a moderate outlay!

Staffing update
I am delighted to report that Mrs Lee (PT Behaviour Support) will return to school during June after a period of illness. Mrs Reid (Learning Support) is continuing to recuperate after a serious illness. Mrs Welsh (History) is moving to Firrhill High School in August to take up a similar post in History.
Congratulations to Mrs Shona Wallace who has been appointed PT Chemistry at Balerno High School.
Congratulations also to the following staff who will take up full time posts with us from 15 August 2007:
Ms Welsh (French)
Mr McGuinn (Maths) and
Miss Mackinnon (English)

Well done to Gemma Lawson, Kirsten Stirling and Natalie Allan who were successful following auditions for parts in ‘High School Musical’ at Edinburgh Playhouse this summer. Gemma won the lead role!

New Timetable
The new timetable for Session 2007/2008 started on Monday 4 June. Numbers in the senior school have increased this year as has the projected intake at S1. S5 and S6 experienced a range of presentations and activities as part of their induction programme on Thursday 31 May and 1 June.

I apologise for any difficulty you have experienced in contacting the school by email. The problem is council wide and is being worked on by council staff in order to resolve the difficulties. Thank you for your patience.

All S6 pupils are invited to become prefects for this session.

Parent Forum Update
The constitution for the Parent Forum has now been agreed and formally accepted. Thank you to everyone who contributed to its development. Any one who would like to be a member of the Parent Forum is requested to contact Karen Traill, the Chairperson of the School Board.

Activities Week
The vast majority of our pupils have signed up to take part in our activities programme during the last week of term. Some changes are still being made to accommodate last minute requests.

‘Echo’ Newspaper
I am pleased to say that the monthly column in the Echo continues to go from strength to strength. Following discussions with the new Editor, coverage of events at Liberton High School is to be extended to a half page each month.

Dates for the Diary

Thursday 7 June New S4 parents’ night (5-7 Pm)
Monday 11 June School Sports Day (Parents are welcome to join us on the playing fields from 1.30 pm)
Wednesday 13 June Prizegiving (7 pm)
Monday 18 June P7 parents’ night (7-8 pm)
19 – 21 June incl. P7 pupils’ visit
26 – 28 June incl. Activities week
Friday 29 June Term ends at 12.35 pm. Pupils may dress down and contribute a £1 to charity. The money will be collected during registration.

Please let me know if there is anything in particular that you would like to see included in future editions of this bulletin. Do also let me know if you would like a translation of this bulletin in a particular language. Every effort will be made to provide such a translation.

Donald J Macdonald (Headteacher)

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Evening News says sorry

The evening news has called to apologise for the error in yesterday’s paper.

A retraction will appear in today’s evening news.

Measures have also been put in place to ensure that their archives and those of related organisations have been updated.

Donald j Macdonald (Headteacher)

Thursday, 19 April 2007


I just wanted to share with you and wish Kirsty Miller 1D all the best for her latest part in the Musical “All in this Together” which starts tonight at the Church Hill Theatre. This musical production is part of the Lothian Youth Arts and Musicals Company which will run each night up to and including Saturday 21st April 07. Adult prices £8 a ticket, concessions £4:50.

Thanks, Ian Porter

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

S3 Business Management Stock Market Challenge

The team from Liberton did very well and managed to come in eighth out of 25 schools from South East Scotland. The challenge was to increase their initial investment of £15,000 over a ‘virtual’ week by playing the stock market. Our team managed to increase their portfolio value to almost £45,000.

Team members were Terri Borthwick, Jason Chu, Thomas Murray, Wai Ying Ta and Sam Whiting. They seemed to enjoy themselves and were a credit to Liberton in their behaviour and their attitude.

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Friday, 16 March 2007

Join the web group

We are looking for pupils to get involved in the website. If you would like to become a web designer or just contribute pictures or articles for the site the contact Mr Crawford.

Thursday, 22 February 2007

New computers for Libby

This week Liberton High School has been getting all of it's computers refreshed. This should mean that we can move the website forward with more opportunity for staff and pupils to contribute to the site. With more than 200 new computers we should see a great step forward in computing at Libby.

Mr C

News Archive