Friday 29 June 2007

School of Rock

School of Rock was a great success again this year. The teachers band, The Old Gits, had a combined age of more than 240 years. They still had fun.

Friday 22 June 2007

100 Club winners

The winners of this years 100 club drws can be found here

If you would like to join the 100 club fill in this form

To find out more about the 100 club click here

Phoenix Programme at Liberton Fire Station

A number of our students volunteer for the Phoenix Programme at Liberton Fire Station each week, in the evenings. The group (a mix of LHS and Gracemount pupils) put on a practical demonstration last night and I thought it was worth mentioning that they were fantastic – confident, polite and incredibly well disciplined as they carried out their drills. They put out fires, climbed ladders into smoke filled towers and demonstrated life saving skills. It is my understanding that in advance of the night, Melanie Mason (the only girl in last night’s group) had also made a local radio broadcast to advertise the evening. Their parade drill also made a lasting impression.

Pupils involved
Evan Gray
Matthew Barron
Jack Hunter
Sean Faughnan
Melanie Mason
Ross Farquhar
Daniel Martin

Rachel Meighan
PT Guidance

Friday 15 June 2007


Liberton High School was represented by four S2 students, Lauren Bell, Emma McNaughton, Fraser Murray and Thomas Walker, in the Festival of Chemistry at Heriot-Watt University on Wednesday 13 June. This was one of 52 national events, supported by the Royal Society of Chemistry, promoting chemistry for young people. 19 Schools from Edinburgh and surrounding environs took part in the event – our students showed themselves to be confident and talented students who worked as a great team.
The budding scientists participated in 2 laboratory based activities during the day; the “ Salters’ Challenge”, was a forensic “crime scene” investigation which attempted to identify the perpetrators of a serious incident and the “ University Challenge”, involved a chemical reaction which decreased the temperature of the mixture – proving that Chemistry is pretty cool!

Thursday 14 June 2007

Sports Day

We all had a great sports day on Monday. The sun was shining everyone enjoyed themselves. Even the teachers had a race.

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Tuesday 12 June 2007

Sports Day Results

Whole School House Prize – DEE (141 points!!!)

2nd – FORTH (129 points)

3rd – TAY (114 points)

4th – CLYDE (46 points)

S2 class prize 2D

Learning For Life Competition

The regional finals award ceremony of the Learning for Life Competition was last night and Craig McPhail was awarded his prize of a Caithness glass Paperweight and £60 cash! Having seen the other entries I think Craig has done really well by winning especially since there were 65 schools in the competition and 10,000 posters!

Miss Arnold
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Thursday 7 June 2007

Astronaut Visit

On Wed September the 19th we will be playing host to a NASA astronaut. Pupils will be able to hear first hand experiences of visiting space and will be able to ask the questions they have always wanted to know the answers to.

G Crawford
PT Science

Wednesday 6 June 2007

Liberton High School Bulletin

To all parents, pupils and staff
In an attempt to keep parents, pupils and staff more up to date with what is happening at Liberton High School we will, from now on, be producing a monthly bulletin which we will distribute in the first week of each month. This bulletin is in addition to the Liberton Link magazine that is produced four times each year. We have decided to produce this monthly bulletin following feedback from parents on how we could improve our communication with you.

Inspectors return visit
In the second week of May the Inspectors (HMIe) revisited us to check on progress during the past year. I am delighted to report that we were able to demonstrate good progress across all the areas they identified as action points for us in May 2006. A copy of the progress report should be ready by the end of June and will be posted to all our parents as soon as we receive it.

Liberton Link
The next Liberton Link will be sent to parents in early July.

SQA exams 2007
The exams have run particularly smoothly this year. The invigilators who helped supervise the exams commented extremely favourably on the arrangements and, in particular, on the exemplary conduct of all our students. The results should be received by all candidates on
7 August 2007. Those candidates who opted to access results on the Internet will be able to access their results on 6 August. This year we had pupils in S2 and S3 sitting national examinations in Maths, Computing and Art.

Sports day
Our sports day is scheduled to take place on Monday 11 June. Should the weather be unsuitable the sports will be postponed until later in the week. We would be delighted if parents could come along in the afternoon to support all our youngsters on what is sure to be a keenly fought contest among the four houses. Drinks and snacks will be available from the school dining room throughout the afternoon for a moderate outlay!

Staffing update
I am delighted to report that Mrs Lee (PT Behaviour Support) will return to school during June after a period of illness. Mrs Reid (Learning Support) is continuing to recuperate after a serious illness. Mrs Welsh (History) is moving to Firrhill High School in August to take up a similar post in History.
Congratulations to Mrs Shona Wallace who has been appointed PT Chemistry at Balerno High School.
Congratulations also to the following staff who will take up full time posts with us from 15 August 2007:
Ms Welsh (French)
Mr McGuinn (Maths) and
Miss Mackinnon (English)

Well done to Gemma Lawson, Kirsten Stirling and Natalie Allan who were successful following auditions for parts in ‘High School Musical’ at Edinburgh Playhouse this summer. Gemma won the lead role!

New Timetable
The new timetable for Session 2007/2008 started on Monday 4 June. Numbers in the senior school have increased this year as has the projected intake at S1. S5 and S6 experienced a range of presentations and activities as part of their induction programme on Thursday 31 May and 1 June.

I apologise for any difficulty you have experienced in contacting the school by email. The problem is council wide and is being worked on by council staff in order to resolve the difficulties. Thank you for your patience.

All S6 pupils are invited to become prefects for this session.

Parent Forum Update
The constitution for the Parent Forum has now been agreed and formally accepted. Thank you to everyone who contributed to its development. Any one who would like to be a member of the Parent Forum is requested to contact Karen Traill, the Chairperson of the School Board.

Activities Week
The vast majority of our pupils have signed up to take part in our activities programme during the last week of term. Some changes are still being made to accommodate last minute requests.

‘Echo’ Newspaper
I am pleased to say that the monthly column in the Echo continues to go from strength to strength. Following discussions with the new Editor, coverage of events at Liberton High School is to be extended to a half page each month.

Dates for the Diary

Thursday 7 June New S4 parents’ night (5-7 Pm)
Monday 11 June School Sports Day (Parents are welcome to join us on the playing fields from 1.30 pm)
Wednesday 13 June Prizegiving (7 pm)
Monday 18 June P7 parents’ night (7-8 pm)
19 – 21 June incl. P7 pupils’ visit
26 – 28 June incl. Activities week
Friday 29 June Term ends at 12.35 pm. Pupils may dress down and contribute a £1 to charity. The money will be collected during registration.

Please let me know if there is anything in particular that you would like to see included in future editions of this bulletin. Do also let me know if you would like a translation of this bulletin in a particular language. Every effort will be made to provide such a translation.

Donald J Macdonald (Headteacher)