Friday, 29 February 2008
Energy saving
Carbon emissions from Liberton High School have been more than halved from this morning.
Our new highly efficient gas boilers came on line this morning and are now providing the heating and hot water for the school.
Natural gas produces approximately 43% of the carbon dioxide of coal per BTU produced. This added to the other energy saving measures which have recently been completed within the school – cavity wall insulation, and the installation of energy efficient fluorescent tubes and automatic switching of lights – should see major savings in energy costs and the lower production of ‘greenhouse gases’.
Friday, 8 February 2008
All the prelims are now complete and I know that parents and pupils await the results with interest. It is essential that the prelim performance is used to inform next steps so that all our youngsters are fully prepared for the final exams in May and June.
Malbet Estate. Following discussion at the Parent Council it was decided that access to the Malbet Estate from the school will remain as it is. Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to the proposal that the gate be closed at lunchtimes.
Dress Code. Parents and pupils are reminded of the school’s expectations on Dress Code. In particular, attention is drawn to our policy on shorts. Shorts are not allowed other than in PE classes. The full details are on the school website. Friday continues to be a problem for a number of families as a result of washing machines breaking down on Thursday night. The full cooperation of all is sought in ensuring that dress code is maintained on all 5 school days. We will follow up non-compliance with dress code but this does draw on valuable time that should be spent on other matters.
Latecoming A number of pupils have become persistent latecomers in recent weeks. From 18 February pupils who are late for school after 0840 will be required to bring a note to school on the same day. Those who fail to bring a note may be withdrawn from classes until contact has been made with parents and support measures to prevent latecoming agreed. All parents are respectfully reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that pupils arrive in school for 0830. It is not acceptable for pupils to repeatedly disrupt classes because of a pattern of late arrivals.
Staffing update. Dr Rice joined us in the Chemistry Department in the January. Mr Waterhouse will join us in the CDT department on Monday 18 February.
I am delighted to report that all of S5 have been trained in emergency first aid through a programme called Heartstart. This will be extended across all year groups in the coming months.
On Thursday 7 February, a very well attended and successful ‘Internet safety for children’ training session for teachers in South Edinburgh was held at
The Health Promoting Schools Working Group has now completed the process for achieving Stage 1 status and I am delighted to report that we have received confirmation that we are now registered as a
Plastic bottle recycling is on-going - all pupils should be encouraged to bring their bottles to Lab 9 in Science.
As many of you will already know, Session 2008/09 will be
Fizzy drinks. Following the recent high profile being given to the negative effects of fizzy drinks on children’s physical health and behaviour it is proposed that fizzy drinks (Irn Bru, Coke etc) be banned from the school grounds. The school stopped selling these in the canteen in 2005, but, increasingly, pupils have continued to bring these in from ‘outside’. Parent and pupil views should be directed to the Headteacher by Friday 22 February.
Congratulations to the following pupils who produced fantastic work for the Learning for Life poster competition. They have also managed to get their work published in the Learning for Life book, to be published in March, with a launch at the Scottish Parliament. Copies will be given to all members of parliament. Keep a look out in good book shops near you.
Tricia Dixon, Aaron Hastie, Alannah Alexander, Carla Johnston, Lucy Manners, Hayley Hawthorn and Craig McPhail (who also won Third place in the S4 Edinburgh regional finals) Congratulations and thanks for all your hard work!
Congratulations to Ross Hunter who entered the Rotary Club young musician of the year and came out on top. He won first prize for best instrumentalist. He now goes forward to the zone finals at
LHSA update
- 100 Club – Please join our 100 Club. Fill in an application form from the Liberton Link or send your name and address to the school addressed to the 100 Club and we will send one out to you. Alternatively, pick one up from ourselves at one of the parents’ nights. All the money raised goes towards funds for the school. It is only £1 a month and the prizes are £20, £9 and £5 every month.
Dates for the Diary
Mon 11 Feb – 15 Feb incl. February Holiday week
Monday 18 Feb Holiday for pupils; in-service for staff.
Thurs 28 February S4 parents’ consultation. Attendance essential.
Thurs 28 and Fri 29 Feb incl. Inspectors’ follow-up visit
Please share any news with me that you would like me to publicise or let me know if there is anything in particular that you would like to see included in future editions of this bulletin. Many thanks.
Donald J Macdonald (Headteacher)
8 February 2008
Monday, 4 February 2008
Chinese new year celebrations 2008
The Edinburgh Chinese Community School will be holding it's new year celebrations at Liberton High School on Saturday 9 February from 12 until 3 pm. Admission free.
Among the activities on offer on the day will be:
- Chopstick challenges
- Nintendo Wii on large screens
- Picture yourself in a Chinese Costume
- Tombola
- Chinese Calligraphy
- Chinese Knotting
- Food stalls
- Face Painting
- Chinese paper cutting
Friday, 1 February 2008
Health promoting school
I am delighted to announce that Liberton High school is now an accredited Health Promoting School. This status has been earned through the collective efforts of all our staff, parents and pupils. Particular thanks to Mrs Brown and members of the working group who ensured all the paperwork was complete, thus ensuring that our application was successful!
Exam leave
Music success
Ross now goes forward to the finals at Heriot Watt university on the 20th Feb. Good luck Ross!