Thursday, 20 March 2008

March Bulletin

Liberton High School Bulletin (Bulletin No. 7: March 2008)

HMIe visit. I am delighted to inform you that our return visit from HMIe on 28 and 29 February was very positive. They were very pleased with the progress we had made across the school. The inspectors commented on how impressed they had been with the huge amount of progress made by the school since their visit in January 2006. Well done to everyone associated with Liberton High School! A full report will be posted to parents when this is made available by HMIe.

Dress down day for charity (£1 per pupil) on Thursday 20 March. Proceeds will go to school funds and various charities.

Dress Code. Parents and pupils are reminded of the school’s expectations on Dress Code. The full details are on the school website.

Staffing update. We are currently advertising for English teachers to replace both Mrs O’Connor (appointed to the post of Principal Teacher at Trinity Academy) and Mrs Falconer (moving to Tynecastle High School). I am sure you will all wish to join me in thanking both for their excellent service to Liberton High. We are in the process of interviewing applicants for the vacancy in Biology created by Ms Sarwar’s departure in February.

An ‘Internet safety for children’ training session for parents in South Edinburgh is being planned for late April/May. Details will follow nearer the time.

Plastic bottle recycling update. The recycling of bottles is going very well - with frequent trips to the recycling bins - and arguments over who goes! This is on-going and all plastic bottles should be brought to Lab 9 (Mrs Maciver). Thanks also to the cleaning staff who are taking part!

The S5 Hospitality classes, with help from S3, are holding a Curry day on Tuesday 18 March to raise money for charity for our sponsored children. Well done to the HE department for their continuing efforts to enthuse pupils and staff!

A ‘Health Day’ for all pupils in S1 will take place on Wednesday 19 March. Our very active and energetic PE teachers have organised this in partnership with Edinburgh Leisure. The emphasis for the day will be on active and healthy lifestyles.

Fizzy drinks. Thank you to everyone who responded to the item on Fizzy drinks in last month’s bulletin. All the feedback received supported a ban on these in school grounds. Therefore the consumption of fizzy drinks will be banned following the Easter break. I seek the support of all parents in encouraging pupils to choose one of the healthier options available at all good shops.

Thanks to Mrs Babbs for organising a trip for S1 pupils on Friday 7 March to see the author, Theresa Breslin. Well done to the pupils who were described as great ambassadors!

Ski Club. With only days to go, the Ski Club are getting exciting about their Easter trip to Italy. Ms Mathie tells me that she and pupils have been busy on Thursday nights getting the basics right at Hillend and look forward to returning with no broken bones!

Well done to Cecily Kingston and Ian McBain who recently performed with the Edinburgh’s School Chamber Choir at the Assembly Rooms in Edinburgh.

Liberton High School Golf Club. During this year’s activity week 10 Liberton HS students will travel to the beautiful Isle of Arran for a golfing tour. During the four days on Arran it is hoped to complete a marathon seven golf courses as well as Broadick putting green! Fund raising for the trip is underway and a race night at Liberton HS is planned for April. This is the second such trip, and, it is hoped that it will become an annual event. The team leader, Mr I Hutchison can be contacted at LHS if you would like to contribute to fundraising.

Well done to the boys from the band ‘Minority’ (Michael Selkirk, Liam Allison, Callum Munro, Ross Hunter) who were invited back to the Sound CafĂ© recording studio to work on their own original song for the day. It has been suggested that the song may be used as part of Edinburgh City Council’s Anti-Bullying campaign.

Budding Scholars! Fifteen pupils in S1 are about to embark on the Edinburgh University Wider Access Programme. They will be undertaking a series of visits to various places, e.g. Royal Observatory and the Faculty of Advocates over the next 10 weeks, rounding it off with a presentation to parents and specially invited guests.

Budding leaders. On 4 March, S5 had a presentation from Outward Bound about the Mark Scott Leadership for Life Award. This is a fantastic opportunity for S5 pupils to pursue this Award in S6, picking up invaluable skills and developing as people. Three of the current S6 are coming towards the end of the Award and are about to deliver their community projects, working alongside S6 from some of our neighbouring schools. Sincere thanks to Mr Russell for coordinating this exciting initiative.

Parent Council news. We will be discussing how to improve parental involvement with the school and communication with parents at the next Parent Council meeting. If you have any views about this or any other matter affecting the school, you are welcome to come along to the meeting on Tuesday 29 April at 7.00 pm in the staff room. Alternatively, you can send a note to us via the school or e-mail us at

There is a vacancy for a clerk to the Parent Council. The post mainly involves taking minutes and is paid on a ‘per meeting’ basis. If you are interested, please contact the Parent Council.

Dates for the Diary

Thursday 20 March (3.25 pm) Easter Holiday begins

Thursday 20 March Dress Down day for charity/school funds (£1 per person)

Friday 21 Mar – Friday 4 Apr Easter Holiday

Monday 7 April All resume

Monday 21 April Monday Holiday

Monday 5 May Monday Holiday

Monday 19 May Monday Holiday

1 May S4 study leave begins

12 May S5/6 study leave begins

Pupils in S3 who are taking exams will not have study leave.

Please share any news with me that you would like me to publicise or let me know if there is anything in particular that you would like to see included in future editions of this bulletin. Many thanks.

Donald J Macdonald (Headteacher)

17 March 2008

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Get yourself fitter, cycle to school

The new and very secure cycle sheds are now ready for use. They will allow up to 14 cycles to be kept under lock and key all day.
The shed will be open from 8am to 8.45am then opened again at 3.25pm at the end of the school day. Don't forget that even though the shed will be kept locked during the day you still have to chain your bike to the posts
If you need to go home at lunch time then the cycle racks outside the games hall are the place to lock up your bike.