Saturday, 31 May 2008

Scottish Lacrosse at Liberton

Lacrosse Scotland Senior Squad Exhibition Match and Coaching Afternoon, 4th June 2008, Liberton High School, Edinburgh, EH17 7PT

Scotland Senior Squad, Home Internationals 2008 (Cardiff)

On 4th June the Scotland Senior Lacrosse Squad are taking on one of the top USA University teams, George Masons, who are touring across the UK for a couple of weeks. This is going to be a very exciting match and we are therefore keen to get lots of supporters along to watch and cheer us on!!

We also see this as a great opportunity to exhibit the game to all the young players in Scotland. It provide the perfect chance for them to watch lacrosse played at the top, international level so that they can aspire to follow in the footsteps of the players and represent Scotland when they are older.

We would like to invite your school to come and take part in a coaching afternoon organised and run by our National Coach and some of the national players before the match. This will be a fun and introductory coaching session for junior players of all standards and ages, boys and girls, who are keen to come and learn more about lacrosse and give it a go!

The structure of the afternoon will run as follows:

3.30 – 3.45 Arrive and coaching session begins
3.45 – 4.30 Basic skills/drills sessions
4.30 – 5.30 Mini Tournament

5.30 – 8.30 BBQ and Drinks for all players/supporters (small fee per head)

6.00 – 8.00 Exhibition match: Scotland Senior Squad v George Masons


We will charge a small fee of £2 per child for the coaching session.

The all inclusive BBQ will cost £4 per child or £5 per adult.

If you would like to attend both the coaching and the BBQ it will cost £5 per child.

The venue is Liberton High School, Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh, EH17 7PT.

We really hope that you will be able to come and take part in our coaching afternoon and then cheer us on during the match afterwards! If you have any questions please contact Emily Knight (07887 854839) or Diana McCosh (07881 907359).


NB – Please bring a cheque made payable to Lacrosse Scotland for the required amount (£2 per child for coaching and £4 per head for BBQ – if both then £5 per child).

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Solar Cookers

The S3 Intermediate 1 Physics class designed and built solar powered cookers. They managed to get water up to a temperature of 750c in half an hour. This would be good enough to cook vegetables in about 2 hours. Not bad for free renewable energy.

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Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Football success for Gemma Bartie

Gemma’s team played in Manchester on Saturday against Cardiff City (Welsh champions) winning 3-0 and Bedwell Rangers (English champions who beat Arsenal and Manchester United) wining 2-1. The Irish team pulled out meaning that Hibs Girls are now U-15 British Champions! The girls will be parading with their medals and trophy at Easter Road during half time at their game on Thursday. Please congratulate Gemma when you see her.

Rachel Meighan
PT Guidance

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

If you are interested in fostering a child (click here to get more information) you are invited to attend to attend an information session anytime between 10 am and 8 pm on Thursday 22 May in the Thistle Hotel in St James centre. Staff and parents who have experience of fostering will be there to answer any queries you may have.

Your support could make all the difference.

Monday, 12 May 2008

Prize Winners

Congratulations to our superb Chaplaincy Team who have been successful in gaining the distinction of being identified as the best Chaplaincy Team in the country. They have won the Stevenson Prize.

I’m sure this will come as no surprise to anyone associated with our school.

Many thanks to Joe Walker who did a power of work in compiling our submission in support of the nomination.

Donald j Macdonald (Headteacher)

Congratulations Gemma Bartie

As you may know, Gemma plays football for Hibs Girls – I am delighted to share the news that her team played in the final of the U-15 Scottish Cup at the weekend and won 9-8 on penalties. This takes them through to the British Championships in Manchester next Saturday. Please congratulate Gemma when you see her.

Rachel Meighan
PT Guidance

Friday, 9 May 2008

Internet Safety - Reminder

All parents and carers of pupils between P5 and S6 within the Liberton High School Cluster are invited to attend an information evening on Internet Safety on Thursday 15st May 2008, from 7:00-8:30pm. It will be held in the Assembly Hall at Liberton High School.

The purpose of the evening is to help parents understand more about internet safety for children. In particular, we will learn what we as parents can do to keep our children safe from those that may seek to make contact with them for the wrong reasons.

Don't miss it!

Headteacher's bulletin

Bulletin No. 8: May 2008

An ‘Internet Safety for Children’ training session for parents will take place on Thursday

15 May from 7.00–8.30 pm. Please come along and find out what you can do to keep your children safe while they are online.

Dress Code. Parents and pupils are reminded of the school’s expectations on Dress Code. All pupils on exam leave are respectfully reminded that adherence to dress code is expected when examinations are being taken. This helps enormously in creating and sustaining the best school environment at a time of year when all pupils in our school need to be fully focussed and engaged with their learning. As always, the support of parents is much appreciated.

Staffing update. I am pleased to say that three new staff will be joining us in the English Department over the coming months. I expect that Ms Rankin and Ms Gallagher will join us for the change of timetable in June. Ms Thayne will join us in August, when we resume after the summer vacation. Mr Thomson (PE) is restored to health and is back with us.

Mr Major (English) will be leaving us in August this year to take up a post at Stewart’s Melville College. Ms Birrell will be joining the Biology Department and Ms Hay the History Department in August 2008.

Catering. Message from HQ: “For both pupils and staff, there will be a packed lunch only service on Fridays from Friday 9 May. Where a morning service is provided, this will remain”.

Well done to Helen Traill 6C, who was accepted again for the Edinburgh Youth Orchestra for 2007/08 and was playing with the Orchestra over Easter 2008. Ann Traill 1C was offered a place on the NCO Strings Training programme during Easter which she completed successfully. Ann also passed her Grade 4 piano examination in March 2008.

Fizzy Drinks. A reminder that fizzy drinks are now banned from the school grounds. Once again, I seek the support of all parents in encouraging pupils to choose one of the healthier options available in our canteen and in all good shops.

Ski Club. The Easter Ski trip to Italy was a fantastic success. Both the coach company and the tour operator have contacted us to comment on how enthusiastic the pupils were and how well they conducted themselves throughout the whole week. Ms Mathie has just about recovered and has already started planning for next year’s trip!

Liberton High School Golf Club. Preparations for this year’s outing to the Isle of Arran are going well. Please contact Mr I Hutchison at LHS if you would like to contribute to fundraising.

Budding film directors! Ms Mackinnon (English department) has been informed that one of the films made by the Media Studies class this year has been selected to be shown at a special screening as part of the Edinburgh Film Festival in June. This is a fantastic achievement as we have just recently started to teach Media Studies at Liberton High. Well done to all concerned!

Well done to the S3 pupils who took part in the French play competition in Dundee last month; they were excellent and represented their school very well. They won a prize for best costumes and everyone performed exceptionally. They all received certificates and prizes.

Forty of our S1-S3 pupils will be taking part in the Edinburgh Youth Games on Thursday

15 May. They will be representing Liberton in a number of sports including basketball, volleyball, football, golf and hockey. Our pupils are very excited about the day and we wish them lots of luck!

Well done to Joanna Greig on her selection for the U-16 Scotland Hockey Squad.

Pupils from all cluster primary schools will be taking part in an afternoon of sporting activities on the 13 and 22 May. The PE department are very much looking forward to working with them and finding out who the next up and coming PE stars are going to be!

The School Garden is now looking quite colourful as a result of Mrs Perriss’s Intermediate 1 Biology class planting seeds, bulbs and shrubs. You may also spot a mushroom made by Lindsey Pretswell and some pupils in his class last year. Thanks to Dave Watson and the pupils who have built and installed a bird table and bird houses.

The ICT Department would like to say congratulations to all pupils who are sitting their exams in S2 (Intermediate 1 Computing) and S3 (Intermediate 1 Business Management and Administration). Good luck and well done for working so hard over the year.

LHSA are holding a Car Boot Sale on Sunday 25 May 9.30 am to 12.30 pm in Liberton High School Car Park - £6 per car. Set up time from 9.00 am onwards. In case of inclement weather, sale will take place inside the School. If required, tables will be available for an additional cost of £2. Come along to buy or sell and support your local school. All proceeds go towards funding for the school.

100 Club Lucky Winners

February Draw March Draw April Draw

1st Bill Harris £20 1st Carol Scott £20 1st Alan Smith £20

2nd Mrs Pringle £10 2nd Zela Jones £10 2nd Sharon Stevens £10

3rd Michael Campbell £6 3rd Mrs P Knox £6 3rd Moira Lamb £6

It’s still not too late to join, only £1 per month until September, or download a form for next year from the school website.

Our next LHSA meetings are on 14 May and AGM 12 June at 7.00 pm in the school staff room. Come along and join us, and see what we do.

Dates for the Diary

Thursday 15 May (7.00 pm) Internet Safety night for parents

Monday 19 May Monday Holiday (Pupils and staff)

Tuesday 20 May Staff training day (Pupil holiday)

Thursday 5 June Sports day

Thursday 5 and Friday 6 June Induction days for new S5 and S6 pupils

Monday 9 June Timetable changes – start of new session

Wednesday 11 June School Prizegiving

Wednesday18 Dance Show

and Thursday 19 June at 7.30 pm

Monday 23 June Activities week

Please share any news with me that you would like me to publicise or let me know if there is anything in particular that you would like to see included in future editions of this bulletin.

Many thanks.

Donald J Macdonald (Headteacher)

9 May 2008

50 Anniversary update

Liberton High School will be fifty during session 2008-2009. As a school we have bid into ‘Young Roots’ a national lottery funded heritage project. Our project will be a ground breaking and innovative arts project reflecting changes to the area and the school over the last half century. We have partner organisations working with us who include National Library of Scotland, Royal Commission for Ancient and Historical Monuments, Scottish Mining Museum, University of Edinburgh School of Scottish Studies and the GRO. Our students will work with storytellers, writers, artists and musicians to create a touring arts exhibition telling Liberton's story.

If you are interested in finding out more about the project -please email