Monday, 29 September 2008

MacMillan Coffee morning

Big success!
I still have some money to come in but the total now stands at about £200.
Well done to all.
Marie Maciver.

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Parent Council Newsletter

September 2008

The Parent Council has been running for just over a year and our meetings have covered a wide range of subjects. This newsletter is intended to give you a brief summary of our activities since we started.

Parents’ views and concerns have been passed on to the appropriate people between meetings. Our contact details are on the back of this letter. Please let us know if there is something that you think we should be doing or should be aware of.

Every year we invite parents and carers to join the Parent Council - details on how to do this are also on the back of this letter.

School closures

The Parent Council had to arrange an informal meeting at short notice at the beginning of the last school year to study the plans to close schools in Edinburgh and decide on a response to them. By the time of our first formal meeting the school closures had been cancelled and it was not necessary to take any further action. This left us able to concentrate on issues directly affecting Liberton High School.


HMIe made their final visit to the school in March this year and were pleased with the progress that the School had made. Progress on the HMIe action points has been discussed at every meeting for the last two years. The Parent Council (and before that the School Board) had the opportunity to ask questions about the changes that were taking place and give views on any proposals. There have been tremendous improvements and we look forward to the continued progress of the school.

Policies and consultations

Throughout the year we discussed changes to school policies including homework and dress code. We also considered Council policies and consultations on mobile phone use and school session dates. We will continue to inform parents about consultations via school newsletters and the school website.

At present the Scottish Government are consulting on proposed changes to national qualifications (Standard Grades, Highers, Advanced Highers) which will affect pupils currently in primary school. You can find information about this at The closing date for responses is 31 October 2008. If you have views on this you can either respond directly or contact us and we will pass on your views.

Representing Parents’ Views

The Parent Council have raised parents’ concerns with the School and the City of Edinburgh Council on a number of matters ranging from staffing and budgets to changes to the school catering service. We also submitted an objection to a planning application that would have effectively closed the gate into the Malbet estate. The unfortunate timing of this application (end of the summer term) meant that it was not possible to inform all parents but we are grateful for the support of those parents who we did manage to contact. This planning application was refused.

Improving parental involvement and communication with parents

There has been lively and positive discussion at Parent Council meetings about ways to encourage more parents to become involved with the school. We are also keen to improve communication with parents and would be pleased to hear any ideas that you may have on both of these matters.

Meetings 2008/9

The Parent Council meets approximately twice a term at 7.00pm in the staff room in the school and all parents and carers are welcome to attend meetings. The dates for this year are 7 September 2008, 25 November 2008, 20 January2009, 24 March 2009 and 2 June 2009

How to join the Parent Council

Each year parents and carers are invited to join the Parent Council. This is an opportunity to influence decisions and become more involved with the School. If you would like to join the Parent Council, please send your name and contact details to us by Friday 17th October 2008.

How to contact the Parent Council

· E-mail us at

· Write a note and send it to us either by post or ask your child to give it to their tutor teacher

· Telephone the school and we will call you back

· Come to a Parent Council meeting

And last but not least - Liberton High School Association

The Liberton High School Association (LHSA) organises fundraising activities and social activities for the school. The Parent Council works closely with LHSA with one place on the Parent Council reserved for a member of the LHSA committee. Please send your contact details to the LHSA if you would like to join the committee or help at school events. You can do this by e-mail to or by sending a note into the school addressed to the LHSA.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Former pupil achievements

We have received information from The University of Aberdeen regarding 2 former pupils:

Ross Irving has received a Degree of Master of Arts in History, Upper second class Honours.

Gregor Scotland has received a Degree of Bachelor of laws (with Honours), Upper second class Honours.

Iain Hutcheson

Monday, 22 September 2008

Strike on Wednesday 24 September

The school will be closed to pupils in S1, S2 and S3 on Wednesday 24 September as a result of strike action by a number of non-teaching unions. Only pupils in years S4-6 incl. should attend on Wednesday. There will be no catering available in school on this day.

Normal services will resume on Thursday 25 September.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

September Bulletin

(Bulletin No. 10: September 2008)

Thank you to everyone who helped us launch our 50 Anniversary celebrations by attending our Open Day on Saturday 23 August. On the day we had over 300 people who came along to share their memories of their school days. Please check the school website to find out what else is planned! (

Our exam results improved again this year. There were outstanding performances from many pupils across the school. Well done to everyone who offered support and encouragement and especially the parents. It will come as no surprise that the ones who do well are those who attend all classes and work hard throughout the year.

A whole school photograph to mark our 50 Anniversary was taken on the afternoon of Wednesday 27 August. Details of prices and how to obtain a copy will be made available to pupils in the next few weeks.

University applications. I am delighted to see that this year we have 53 pupils who are applying for university places. In 2004 this number was 8. This increase clearly illustrates the progress we are making as a school.

Improving pupil attendance in session 2008/09 will be a priority for the school. Thank you to all parents who took the time to respond to the questionnaire posted to parents in the summer. Following further discussion with pupils it is our intention to introduce attendance targets for all pupils. All parents are respectfully reminded to avoid taking pupils off on holiday during term time.

Staffing update. Welcome to the following staff who joined us in August: Ms Gallagher (English); Ms Thayne (English); Mr MacLeod (Maths); Mr Mazadza (Maths); Mrs Carbery (Maths); Ms Birrell (Biology) and Mrs Ellis (History).

Timing of Parents’ evenings The vast majority of parents who responded to the survey on the timing of parents’ evenings indicated that they preferred a 6–8 pm slot. Thus, with the exception of the S3 parents’ night on Wednesday 17 September, which will be from 5–7 pm, all other parents’ nights will take place between 6 and 8 pm. I am hoping for a 100% turnout at this year’s meetings with your child’s teachers. Please make every effort to attend. Your input and support really does make a big difference to your child’s interest and effort in school.

The L Factor is coming……………

On Thursday 16 October Liberton’s legendary talent show returns for a third year. This year is going to be even more exciting. We are delighted to announce that among our celebrity judges this year we have none other than the top selling Scottish singer/songwriter Sandi Thom.

Auditions have been taking place to find the cream of Liberton talent for what promises to be an unforgettable evening. Tickets for the show (priced at £5) will go on sale on 6th October. Don’t miss it! Judges for the evening will include:

  • Sandi Thom (Best Selling Singer Songwriter)
  • Grant Stott (Forth 1 Flagship DJ)
  • John Loughton (Winner of Big Brother Celebrity Hijack)

Teambuilding weekend. Many thanks to Mr Russell and the 8 other staff who spent a weekend in Dalguise with 30 senior pupils. The purpose of the weekend was to develop teamwork and to foster relationships in our new S6. By all accounts this was a highly successful weekend!

Welcome to PC Mark Thomson who has just started with us as Community Police Officer at Liberton High. Mark has already made an impact in the community through his presence around the main road at busy times. Parents are requested to drop pupils off at the school games hall and, in the interests of the safety of others, not to bring vehicles any closer to the school building.

The Home Economics department ran heats for pupils to enter The 'Smoothest Smoothie in Scotland' competition which was to encourage pupils to use Scottish produce. Jonathan Walker and Darren Reid became the Liberton Liquidisers and produced the Zingy Pear Dazzler.

The boys won through to the 'Smoothie Off' which was held at the Countryside Festival at Glamis Castle on Sunday 7 September which Jonathan attended and managed to wow the judges with his professional performance and delicious smoothie to win second prize. He was awarded

his prize by the Dowager Countess of Strathmore. Well done Jonathan!

Well done to Megan Bryant (S5) and Stuart Wilson (S6) who have been selected to take part in this year's "Lessons from Auschwitz Project". This will involve participation in seminars and a trip to visit Auschwitz on 18 September. Megan and Stuart will be invited to share their experiences with the wider school later this session.

Parent’s association news.

  • LHSA are holding our bi-annual Car Boot Sale on Sunday 5 October 9.30 am – 12.30 pm, £6 per car. No need to book, just turn up and pay on the day. Top car park beside tennis courts; set up from 9.00 am. Teas/Coffee will be available.

  • 100 club is a monthly prize draw for parents, carers. The more members the higher the prizes and the more cash to support the school. See school website for further information. For this month only all pupils handing in their parents completed application forms will be entered into a £20 Prize Draw. Forms and standing orders already handed in will also be included in the draw.

  • We are looking for more volunteers to join the LHSA or just to help out with teas and coffees at parents' nights. If interested, please contact the school and leave your name and address or through email to

Dates for the Diary

Wednesday 1 October P7 Open Evening (7-9 pm)

Monday 13 October Book Week

Monday 20 October Mid-term (5 days)

Tuesday 28 October Pupils resume

Tuesday 18 November S1 Parents’ Evening (6-8 pm)

Thursday 11 December S4 Parents’ Evening (6-8 pm)

Monday 15 December Carol Concert

Friday 19 December Term ends

Please share any news with me that you would like me to publicise or let me know if there is anything in particular that you would like to see included in future editions of this bulletin.

Many thanks.

Please check the school website for copies of all previous bulletins and other breaking news. (

Donald J Macdonald (Headteacher)

15 September 2008

Thursday, 11 September 2008

University Applications

Anyone who has attended an assembly with me during the last three years will know that every pupil at Liberton High School is expected to aim for University level qualifications by the time they leave us in S6.

I am delighted to learn that this raising of expectations for all pupils is paying dividends. In our current S6, 53 pupils are currently completing application forms for a variety of university courses. In 2004 only 8 pupils were applying for university courses at the same stage. This is a very strong indicator of the fantastic progress we have made in the past few years.

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Smooth as Silk

Big congratulations to the Johnathan Walker from S3 who took second prize at the Countryside Festival at Glamis Castle in a competition to find the smoothest smoothie in Scotland. The Liberton Liquidizers concoction was called a 'Zingy Pear Dazzler' and its ingredients included Pear, peach, sparkling water, apple and elderflower cordial, lemon juice, single cream (recipie avaliable from the HE Department)

Very well done Johnathan and the other students who took part in the heats.

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Entrepreneurs in training!

I am always keen to support opportunities for pupils to develop their entrepreneurial skills. I was delighted to recently receive this email from Ross Hunter, one of our S4 pupils.

Dear Mr MacDonald,

I just thought that you might like to know about how successful our S3 business management project was. As you know, Lisa Watson and I, along with a couple of others, produced and sold CDs featuring student performers. What you may not know is that we sold all our CDs and made just over £150 profit! We donated £60 to the four children that the school sponsor and felt that due to Mr McCorquodale’s support and contribution that we should present £40 to the music department to help towards the cost of a new microphone for the school. The remainder was split amongst the team members.

Very well done to Ross and his team!