Thursday, 12 February 2009

Liberton High School Bulletin Jan/Feb 2009

2009 has started very well. Throughout this session and beyond we will continue to be an ambitious school for all of our pupils. A highlight for us in January was our Burns supper which was a huge success. My sincere thanks to all staff, pupils and parents who contributed to this superb occasion.

During the past three weeks pupils have been heavily involved in prelim exams. The prelim results will give all those involved a very clear picture of where they are now and what must be done to realise their potential in the final exams this summer.

School building I am pleased to say, that despite all the recent press about crumbling school buildings in Edinburgh, our building is wind, watertight and fit for purpose.

Along with the December newsletter, you should have received a copy of your child’s attendance summary. Thank you to all parents for your support in ensuring attendance at school. Pupils whose attendance is les than 80% will be interviewed by House staff in order to assess what can be done to support them in their learning this session. I anticipate that there will be some pupils whose progress has been so hindered by poor attendance that repeating the year will have to be considered. No decision will be taken until parents have been contacted by us. ‘Pupils who are absent from school are not being taught and therefore will not make the progress expected of them’. (Quote from HM inspectors in January 2006)

Curriculum for excellence update Liberton High School is presently reviewing what we teach to our pupils. As you may already know, every school in the country has been asked to develop its own Curriculum for Excellence. In developing ours we would like to hear the views of pupils, parents, employers, colleges and universities.
Could you please spare five minutes of your time to complete a brief survey? To do so, simply click on Survey Monkey.
Surveys should be completed before Sunday 22 February for your response to register.

Heartstart Parents are invited to join us at Liberton High School on Saturday 7 March to learn about Emergency Life Support skills and practical advice for what you do when someone has had a heart attack. (See attached sheet for details).

Very well done to the following:
• Jennifer Somerville who continues to go from strength to strength in swimming. Jennifer won three gold medals at the regional championships in Middlesbrough on 10 January.
• Anthony Garcia (former pupil) who came second in the World Karaoke Championships in October 2008.
• Jordan Wilson (2D) and Ellie-Louise Wilson who have both been chosen to represent Scotland at Handball in the World championships this summer.

Staffing update Ms Nowosielska (Bursar) and Mr Scott (Art) are currently off through ill-health. We wish them both a speedy recovery.

The Library is collecting Times and Sunday Times tokens for free books for school. Please support a very worthy cause!

Litter All pupils are requested to be considerate of others and our environment when disposing of waste. Please use the litter bins provided!

Revision for exams There are a wide range of revision classes on offer across the school; these are particularly relevant to pupils in S4-S6. Pupils sitting exams this year should, by now, have obtained copies of revision guides and Past Papers. Some of these are available (for free) on the Internet. Please take advantage of these; exams are looming large!

Events that have taken place in the last three weeks include:
• Holocaust Education day for all S2 pupils on Monday 26 January.
• Senior pupils have led whole school assemblies on ‘standing up to hatred’.
• Continuing auditions for Grease, which will be staged in June 2009
• Visit by a BBC film crew to record a pupils debating topical issues on Monday 9 February. (Screening arrange in March)
• Senior pupils, organised by Mrs Imlach, continue to share their skills and talents with local primary pupils.
• Liberton High School’s newly formed astronomy club had a visit from Chris Lintott on Monday 9 February. Chris co-presents the BBC ‘Sky at Night’.

Babies go home Over the last few weeks a number of students in S4 have had the opportunity to take home a ‘reality baby’. The babies are programmed to behave like a real baby, so they cry to be fed, winded and changed at inconvenient times and they protest long and hard if handled roughly, they can cry for over 30 minutes if they are upset. The students had mixed experiences, mostly positive but some students were heard to utter ‘never again’! Some babies cried for over 60 minutes while other babies only cried for 16 minutes in the 13 hour period they were at home depending on their care. Next term the same students can take the babies home for the weekend. Some of the students are very keen but others have already got reservations about coping with the needs of a baby 24 hours a day!

LHSA Update 100 Club Winners:Jan - 1st Prize Maureen Irving, 2nd Prize Miss Quigley, 3rd Prize Norman Adam Feb - 1st Prize Alan Smith, 2nd Prize Louisa Mc Donald, 3rd Prize Patricia Somerville.

We are planning to hold a Bag Packing weekend at Morrisons to try and raise enough funds to buy and install a new ‘Smartboard’ for the school and we are also holding our Car Boot Sale on 31 May so start clearing out the attic now!

Dates for the Diary
Friday 13 February Term ends
Friday 13 February Deadline for returning course choice forms
Monday 23 February Staff training day (Pupils on holiday)
Saturday 7 March Heartstart Training for parents (see separate flyer)
Friday 3 April Term Ends
Tuesday 21 April New term begins

Check the school website for copies of all previous bulletins and other important news! (

My sincere thanks for your continuing support in 2009.

Donald J Macdonald (Headteacher)

Friday, 6 February 2009

Music success!

Congratulations to a very talented group of musicians, known collectively as 'The Directors'. Today they were successful in winning their 'Bands' heat at Liberton High.

Lead Vocals and Guitar: Liam Allison (S4)

Bass Guitar: Callum Munro (S3)

Drums: Lewis Allan (S3)

They will now perform at the Picture House on Lothian Road in the finals on 19 March.

Well done boys!

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Tribute to Brian Queen

It is with great sadness that we mourn the loss of Brian Queen.

Brian was the cleaner in the CDT department in Liberton High school for a number of years. During this time he proved to be a valued member of the department. Brian always took pride in doing an excellent job but Brian’s contribution was much more than that. He always knew what to say at the end of a busy day to keep the mood cheerful. Brian also had an endless supply of sweets which he shared every day!

During the years that Brian worked with us he showed that he was a thoughtful and kind person in his day to day actions e.g. keeping the Evening News Edinburgh Marathon results for Jim Heneghan, bringing in milk and biscuits for break time and making sure that the rooms were spick and span before the SQA exams. Brian was modest and never expected any thanks for the extra work he regularly did for us.

We will miss Brian as a colleague and a friend and feel fortunate for having the chance to work with him.

(Words provided by staff of the The CDT Department at Liberton High School)

Monday, 2 February 2009

Weather Warning - Tuesday 3 February 2009

The school received the following message earlier today. This is for the period from midnight tonight to 23.59 Tuesday.

There is a High Risk (60%) of a Severe Weather event affecting parts of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and eastern Scotland during Tuesday. Periods of snow are expected through the day, with heavy falls likely in places. Although marked variations will occur from place to place, 5-10cms is likely, especially over higher ground. This could cause disruption to travel networks, especially across higher level routes. Snow may turn to rain at times at lower levels.

Parents and pupils are reminded that if any Edinburgh schools are closed tomorrow (Tuesday) an announcement will be made on Forth One and Forth Two.