Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Mr Andrew Macrae

Mr Andrew Macrae, Senior Depute at Liberton High School will be retiring from Education on Thursday July 2 2009, after 37 years service.

To mark this occasion a dinner dance will be held in his honour at Liberton High School on Friday 26 June 2009. The evening will begin at 7.00 pm with a Champagne Reception, followed by a buffet dinner, an opportunity to share your memories of working with Drew and Ceilidh dancing.

Places are limited, so if you would like to reserve a ticket please email by return shona.mathie@liberton.edin.sch.uk your name and contact details, indicating how many tickets you would like. Cheques must be made payable to ‘Liberton High School’ for £20.00 and should be sent to the address below no later than 4 May 2009. Tickets purchased before 12 June will be posted out (please include details with cheques), any tickets purchased after this date can be collected on the night.

If you have any further questions/comments please contact Christine Babbs and Shelagh Lee on 0131 664 7514.

Liberton High School
328 Gilmerton Road
EH17 7PT

Friday, 3 April 2009

Dress down day for charity

Today, we finished off the term with a dress down day for staff and pupils. Well done to everyone who contributed to raising a magnificent £411.24!! The money raised will go to the Children in Need fund.

The term was brought to a close by having teams of pupils competing in an interhouse Quiz. On this occasion Clyde House were victorious.

Well done and thanks to Mr Russell, S6 helpers and staff for organising and staging this event. I thought the atmosphere across the school was great - a perfect way to end the term!

PTA update

Message from our PTA (known as LHSA)

We have just recently funded Business Management, Geography and Chemistry Departments for much needed new books; we have also given the Astronomy Club funding to buy a new camera attachment for their telescope as they will be taking part in the events for International Year of Astronomy.

We have organised a Bag Packing weekend at Morrisons on Sat 2 & Sun 3 May
to raise funds to buy and install a Smart Board for the school, and are also holding our Car Boot Sale on Sunday 31 May 9.30am-12.30pm. Watch out for further details.

If you are interested in how we raise and spend the funds for the school, come along to our next meeting on Wed 22 April at 7.30pm in the staff room.

Many thank to Liz Kettle, parents and staff on the LHSA for all of their efforts in supporting the school in so many different ways.