Thursday 2 September 2010

Bulletin - 31 August 2010

I am delighted to report that this session has started very smoothly and we are all now settled into a working routine after the summer break. There have quite a number of staffing changes this session. The numbers in our senior school continue to grow with many more students choosing to stay on at school and to apply for university this session. Every pupil starting at Liberton High is expected to work towards gaining qualifications that will allow them to go to university. I fully understand that not all pupils will choose to go to university, but gaining excellent qualifications will provide our youngsters with additional options, even if it is later on in life.

The new S1 have settled in well. Staff invariably describe our new charges as polite, well-mannered and sensible. Well done to our new S1! The Guidance Team will shortly be interviewing all of S1, individually, as a welcoming and getting-to-know-you exercise.

It is that time again for renewing or joining the 100 Club. It runs from October to September and only costs £12 for the year. If you are interested in joining you can download an application form from the school website or if you need more information, please contact the school office and leave your name and contact number. All proceeds are used to help pupils.

Exam Results. I am delighted to report that our exam results have improved again this session. Pupils did extremely well and should be very proud of what they have achieved. Those whose results were not as good as they would have hoped for will have to work that bit harder in the coming session. As in previous years, pupils in S2 and S3 sat national exams much earlier than normal and were highly successful. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking all parents, staff and, of course, the pupils for their continued hard work. The challenge for all of us is to improve even more in the coming session.

Litter. We seek the support of everyone in tackling litter. Environmental wardens will be around at lunchtimes and have the power to issue fines to those who drop litter.

Dress Code. Thank you to parents for your continuing support with dress code. Our pupils look very smart. I would remind everyone that pupils have been asked not to wear bangles and bracelets to school. As has been the practice for the past few years, please provide pupils with a note if there are problems in adhering to our dress code on a particular day.

Feedback requested
Given the staffing changes over the past few months and building on the progress made by the school in the last few years we are now taking the opportunity to restructure both the Senior Leadership and Support for Pupils teams. I anticipate that we will reduce to three houses, each led by a DHT and supported by a Guidance PT as in the current system. If you have a view on any aspect of the current model or if there is some change that we ought to be considering then please share this with me.

Staffing Update.
Welcome to:
• Mr Marsden (Maths) Ms Donaldson (Maths)
• Mr Barker (Maths) Mr Donoghue (CDT)
• Miss Reid (CDT) Miss Ayre (English)
• Mr Harley (History) Mrs Percival (Business Education)
• Mrs Mohler (English)

Farewell and best wishes to:
• Mr Adens (Change of career)
• Dr Fleming (Early retirement)
• Mr Macleod (Change of career)
• Mrs Thomson (Retirement)
• Miss Ferrier (Taken up a full time position at Boroughmuir)
• Miss Largey (Change of career)

Congratulations to:
• Mrs Kean (Acting DHT for Clyde House)
• Mrs Wilson and Mrs Gillespie (Shared acting PT responsibility for Business Education)
• Mrs Barraclough (Acting PT Geography)
• Mrs Ellis (Acting PT History)
• Miss Arnold (S4,5 and 6) and Miss Birrell (S1,2 and 3) (Shared acting PT Guidance responsibility for Dee House)

Activities Week I am disappointed to have to inform you that there will not be a designated Activities week in June 2011. The number of families taking children out of school during the last week of June has resulted in us not being able to offer a viable programme. Please note that educational excursions will continue to operate throughout the year. I take this opportunity of respectfully requesting parents to avoid taking pupils out of school for holidays in term time. It goes without saying that pupils with poor attendance invariably struggle to gain good qualifications. In addition pupils with poor attendance and poor time keeping struggle to adjust to the demands of work when they leave school. At Liberton High School pupils with poor attendance will be asked to repeat the year in order to ensure that they can cope with the work of the class.

Dates for the Diary
Wednesday 8 September (7 – 8pm) Parent Council information evening
Monday 20 September Monday holiday
Wednesday 29 September Open evening for P7 pupils
Friday 8 October Tracking letters to parents for S3-S6 incl.
11–15 October Book/Health week
Friday 15 October Term ends (normal dress day)
Monday 25 October Pupil holiday (staff training day)
Tuesday 26 October Pupils resume

Please let me know if there is anything in particular that you would like to see included in future editions of this bulletin. Donald J Macdonald (Headteacher)

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